What are the hours of operation?

Justkidz operates between the hours of 9:15 am and 12:15 pm. 

Where can I find Justkidz Covid Policy?

Justkidz COVID-19 Policy

Justkidz Parent Handbook

Is there a charge for Extended Care?

Unfortunately we are only part-time learning facility, so no extended care is offered. 

Do children receive a report card?

We are consistently in communication with parents regarding their child’s development, class progress and work schedules. We provide parents with progress report cards twice in the acdemic year, which tracks your child’s progress and learning objectives. Parents and teachers also get together twice a year for a formal conference. 

What is Justkidz’ inclement weather policy?

Justkidz typically follows Wake County policies on school closures. Please check our website for any exceptions to this policy when Justkidz determines conditions in the Cary / Apex / Morrisville area to be not as bad as other Wake County areas. How ever, we DO NOT follow Wake County’s 2-hour delay policy. 

Does Justkidz provide snacks/meals?

No we do not, however other parents contribute regularly snacks in the classroom. 

How can the Tuition be paid?

Justkidz accepts personal checks and bank checks at this time. 

How much is the check return fee?

In the unfortunate event that your Tuition check is returned by our bank, please add $25 to the month’s tuition as check return fee and send out a good check ASAP. 

Is Justkidz inclusive classroom?

Yes, it is. 

Is Justkidz a licensed facility?

Yes, Justkidz is a licensed facility. 

What is Direct Instruction?

Direct Instruction (DI) features customized, rapid-paced instruction by which any student can learn. Justkidz implements DI in the true sense in that ongoing instructional decisions are based on student performance, enabling students to achieve more and to achieve it faster, at the child’s pace. 

Is transport available?

No, but we do encourage carpooling. 

When are classes in session?

We operate from Sep to May every year. 

What if my child is allergic to certain types of foods?

We require that parents alert us about allergies in the child’s information sheet. Based on that, prohibited foods will not be allowed in the classroom. 

Do the children go on any field trips?

Yes, children will go destinations appropriate for small children. 

Do you require parents to volunteer their time at school?

I am a big advocate on parent participation in the class. Take at least 20 minutes every month, if not every week, and join us with either a story or craft which you can bring in to share with the class. This will give you a first hand look into how your child is doing in the class as well. 

Does Justkidz follow Montessori methodology? 

Yes, I am an Early Childhood Specialist and I am also a trained Montessori teacher and believe that children can learn from teachers, environment and peers as well. 

Does Justkidz work for us/our child? 

Students are admitted to Justkidz after a thorough assessment. The child is taken in after he/she responds favourably and clears the testing. But for any reason we feel that the child is failing to adjust or you feel we are not able to meet all the needs of your child, you can withdraw after a 30 day notice. Justkidz works best for motivated kids and for parents who take an active part in their child’s academic growth. 

Why does Justkidz have mixed ages in the classroom?

The mixed age grouping fosters self-confidence and self esteem as older children apply previously learned skills to assist younger children, and allows younger children to learn from the modelling of older children. 

What is Montessori program?


  • Founded by paediatrician / psychiatrist Maria Montessori in 1907
  • Emphasizes connection of all living this, and need for each person to find meaningful work and own place in the world
  • Children will learn at his or her pace.


  • Five main areas: Practical life, Sensory awareness education, language arts, Mathematics and geometry, cultural subjects
  • Most of the interaction is among children: older kids help younger ones learn how to master new skills

Who is it best for? 

  • Children who want a hands-on environment suited to their own needs
  • Special needs, especially ADHD or learning or psychological problems, because of individual attention.